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Zeer hoogwaardige kwaliteit officieele schietkaarten, conform de eisen van ISSF en KNSA.

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Adhesive Splatter Burst Targets 7inch (100 pcs)

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Adhesive Splatter Burst Targets 7inch (100 pcs)

Adhesive Splatter Burst Targets 7inch (100 pcs)

€ 35,00

Adhesive Splatter Burst Targets with a diameter of 7inch. Every shot on this reactive target will be visible due to the yellow edge that will occur after hitting. Comes on a roll of 100 pieces.

Airgun 10-Rings Target 10x10cm

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Airgun 10-Rings Target 10x10cm

Airgun 10-Rings Target 10x10cm


Offical ISSF targets 10x10cm with 10-rings for "airgun 10 meters". Packed and priced per 250 pieces.

Airgun 12-Rings Target 11x11cm

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Airgun 12-Rings Target 11x11cm

Airgun 12-Rings Target 11x11cm

€ 7,50

Airgun 12-Rings Target 14x13,5cm

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Airgun 12-Rings Target 14x13,5cm

Airgun 12-Rings Target 14x13,5cm

€ 12,00

ISSF Airgun Target in 14x13,5cm with 12 rings.

Airgun Plinking Target 14x14cm

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Airgun Plinking Target 14x14cm

Airgun Plinking Target 14x14cm

€ 4,95

Schietkaarten voor recreatief gebruik, 10-rings in de afmeting 14x14cm. Verpakt en geprijsd per 100 stuks. Stevig en dik papier.

Airgun Plinking Target 17x17cm

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Airgun Plinking Target 17x17cm

Airgun Plinking Target 17x17cm

€ 4,95

Targets 10-ring in 17x17cm. Packed per 50 pieces.

Airgun Target 14x14cm

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Airgun Target 14x14cm

Airgun Target 14x14cm

€ 9,50

Airgun Training Target 9 Bullseye

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Airgun Training Target 9 Bullseye

Airgun Training Target 9 Bullseye

€ 17,95

Training shootingcharts with 9 targets printed on official ISSF paper in 17x17cm. Packed in 250 pieces.

Center Target MP 31x46cm

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Center Target MP 31x46cm

Center Target MP 31x46cm

€ 3,50

Center schietkaarten voor de KNSA discipline Militair Pistool. Ring 8, 9 en 10 op grootkaliber formaat. Verpakt en geprijst per 10 stuks. Ook te gebruiken om over gebruikte MP-kaarten te plakken. Exact de originele verhoudingen.

Dartbord Target 14x14cm

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Dartbord Target 14x14cm

Dartbord Target 14x14cm

€ 5,50

Dart schietkaarten voor recreatief gebruik in de afmeting 14x14cm. Verpakt en geprijsd per 100 stuks. Stevig en dik papier.

IPSC Cardboard Target 46x58cm

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IPSC Cardboard Target 46x58cm

IPSC Cardboard Target 46x58cm

€ 5,95

IPSC cardboard targets with zone-lines. Packed by 10 pieces. Size 46x58cm.

IPSC Cardboard Target 46x58cm

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IPSC Cardboard Target 46x58cm

IPSC Cardboard Target 46x58cm

€ 13,95

Miniature IPSC cardboard targets with zone-lines. Packed by 25 pieces. Size 30x39cm.

Reactive Targets 8inch

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Reactive Targets 8inch

Reactive Targets 8inch

€ 5,95

Pack of 6 reactive targets with self-adhesive backing. 8 inch.

Reactive Targets 8inch

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Reactive Targets 8inch

Reactive Targets 8inch

€ 9,95

Zelfklevende "splash" schietschijven met een diameter van 20cm. De grote ronde schijf heeft 11 zones en meet 17cm. Meegeleverd zijn 28 schotpleisters per kaart. Ieder pak bevat 25 kaarten.

Rimfire 10-Ring Target 13,5x13,5cm

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Rimfire 10-Ring Target 13,5x13,5cm

Rimfire 10-Ring Target 13,5x13,5cm


ISSF Rimfire Target in 16,5x16,5cm with 10 rings. Packed per 250 pieces.

Rimfire 10-Ring Target 16,5x16,5cm

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Rimfire 10-Ring Target 16,5x16,5cm

Rimfire 10-Ring Target 16,5x16,5cm


ISSF Rimfire Target in 16,5x16,5cm with 10 rings. Packed per 250 pieces.

Shooting Target 26x26cm

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Shooting Target 26x26cm

Shooting Target 26x26cm

€ 35,00

Shooting Target 55x52cm

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Shooting Target 55x52cm

Shooting Target 55x52cm

€ 13,50

Shooting Target 55x52cm for 25/50/100 meters, priced per 25 pieces

Shooting Target 55x52cm sliced

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Shooting Target 55x52cm sliced

Shooting Target 55x52cm sliced

€ 13,50

Shooting Target 55x52cm for 25/50/100 meters, priced per 25 pieces. Sliced to put 26x26cm targets in the middle.

Shooting Target EPP

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Shooting Target EPP

Shooting Target EPP

€ 7,00

EPP Shootingtargets in 45x76cm. ISSF. Packed by 10.

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