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P.A. Blanc Rounds

Geco 9mm P.A. Blanc
Geco 9mm PA Blancs for training and alarmpistols. Packed in boxes of 25 rounds. Price per box. Made in Germany.

GSG 9mm/380R AM Blanks (50 rounds)
GSG 9mm/.380 AM knalpatronen/losse flodders met rand voor alarm-, training- en startrevolvers. Prijs per doosje (50 stuks).

Sellier&Bellot 9mm P.A. Blanc
Sellier & Bellot 9mm PA Blancs for training and alarmpistols. Packed in boxes of 25 rounds. Price per box. Made in CZ.

Sellier&Bellot 9x17mm / .380 START
Sellier & Bellot 9x17mm (.380) Blancs for training and alarmrevolvers. Packed in boxes of 50 rounds. Price per box. Made in CZ.

Sellier&Bellot 9x20mm / 9mm JAT
Sellier & Bellot 9x20mm (9mm JAT) Blancs for training and alarmrevolvers. Also used in some nailguns for construction. Packed in boxes of 50 rounds. Price per box. Made in CZ.